Diabetes Affects 1 in 400 Cats
The number of cats diagnosed with diabetes mellitus appears to be increasing. The rise is thought to be associated with an increase in known risk factors such as obesity, age (older than 8 years), sedentary lifestyle, high carbohydrate diets, gender (male neutered), breed (Burmese in the UK), medications such as corticosteroids, and any concurrent condition(s) such as infection, hyperthyroidism, and/or chronic renal insufficiency. (Source American Association of Feline Practitioners)
Some of the signs of diabetes are an increase in water consumption and urination, weight loss, and an increase in appetite.
Diet plays an important role in feline diabetes. Read Dr. Mark E. Peterson’s article (link below) on how to feed cats with diabetes, as he explains how diet can play a key role in management of a diabetic cat.