Cats Need Wellness Exams Too
There remains some reluctance when it comes to taking kitty to the Vet for a regular general exam. In fact, only half as many cats receive annual exams as dogs.
A study by the American Association of Feline Practitioners says that fewer than 48 percent of cats receive regular veterinary care. Why? Check out these common kitty myths.
According to a recent survey…
Myth #1: Fifty-one percent of cat owners believe that felines are “low maintenance” pets.
While cats may certainly appear more low-key than their canine counterparts, they are not so different when it comes to veterinary care. Annual wellness exams are vital for the health and happiness of all pets. Regular examinations, blood panels and urine screenings can help ward off illness by allowing your veterinarian to evaluate subtle changes you may not notice at home (see Myth #2).
Myth #2: Seventy-five percent of cat owners do not believe that cats hide symptoms.
Hiding pain and illness is a natural feline instinct. In the wild, a sick or injured cat is viewed as weak or vulnerable by predators; therefore, hiding these symptoms is simply a method of survival. Unfortunately for domestic cats, this often means that diseases are not treated until they’ve reached advanced stages.
Myth #3: Sixty-three percent of cat owners think indoor cats have a low risk of problems.
Closed doors don’t keep out as much as you think. While an indoor cat is much less likely to contract an infectious disease or experience traumatic injury, an indoor environment does not create immunity from other illnesses, like heart or kidney disease, or even parasites. For example, studies show that 25 percent of cats diagnosed with heartworm disease—transmitted via mosquito bite—are indoor-only. Fleas are also a common problem for indoor cats, especially in the summer. Keep in mind that your cat may not go in and out, but you do!
Since cats are good at hiding symptoms Dr. Elsey’s Health Monitor™ Everyday Litter can be helpful. Increased water consumption and urination is an early indicator of kidney compromise, diabetes and hyperthyroidism. With Health Monitor™ Everyday Litter you can check your cat’s urine in a calm home environment. A poor diet may also result in a number of health issues. Once you determine that your cat has increased urination you can make positive changes to your cat’s diet to improve its health and longevity in some cases adding years to your cat’s life. Go to our cleanprotein™ page, under PRODUCTS > OUR FOOD (http://www.drelseys.com/clean-protein/) to sign up for notifications of the launch of cleanprotein™ and special offers.