How to Transition Your Cat to Wet Food | Dr. Elsey's
feeding cat canned food

How to Transition Your Cat to Wet Food

Whether the reason be trying something new or a recommendation from your veterinarian, there’s a few steps along the way when switching your cat from dry kibble to wet food. While some cats do great with dry food, wet food adds extra hydration, more protein and more closely resembles your feline’s natural prey. We’re here to offer a few helpful tips to help ease your cat into a wet food diet.

There’s a couple steps that you need to know before trying to just put a bowl of wet food in front of your cat and calling it a day. Cats can be comparable to little kids when it comes to switching their food — if they’ve never had it, they’re resistant to trying something new. The key to successfully switching your pet from dry to wet food is patience and consistency. 

For most cats, you should be able to gradually start incorporating wet food like our cleanprotein paté into their daily food bowl little by little, as you would if you were switching to any new type of food. Slowly decrease the dry food and increase the amount of wet food after each day. Keep in mind that dry foods and wet foods have different calorie contents, so make sure your cat is getting their required amount of calories per day based on their age or weight.

If you have a more stubborn feline, this transition might not be as smooth sailing. The first step to getting your pet on the path to wet food is by having set meal times — no more free-feeding. Establish a schedule so your cat knows when their food is coming, and don’t let dry food sit out all day for them. Pretend like you’re trying to make kids eat healthier meals instead of munching on snacks throughout the day — the same rules should apply to your cats!

If all else fails, try to get creative with it. Some recommend heating up your cat’s wet food so it resembles their natural prey more, while others will add additional ingredients into the wet food to make it more appealing to their cats. This can include supplements or freeze-dried meal toppers to bring them to their food bowl. 

If your cat is being resistant, remember to not give up on the transition immediately — stay consistent and firm with your routine. For some cats, this could take up to as long as three months. But if this transition isn’t what you think is best for your pet, you can always stick to a feeding routine that consists of both wet and dry food. If your cat is kibble-obsessed, try out our cleanprotein kibble to make sure your cat is getting all of their essential nutrients in their diet!

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