Feline Allergies 101: Symptoms and Treatments | Dr. Elsey's

Feline Allergies 101: Symptoms and Treatments

We all know how irritating our own allergies can be, and sadly enough, our furry friends don’t get reprieve from them either. While we might find our cat’s sneeze to be the cutest thing ever, it’s important to be aware of the signs of an allergic reaction. We’re here to share a few tips and tricks on how to stay on top of your cat’s sneezes and scratches and treat their sniffles.

We know the blooming flowers or food sensitivities can trigger our own allergies, but what can cause your feline friend to get them? Cats can be allergic to a wide variety of things, such as different foods, environmental factors such as plants, smoke, dust, mold and cleaning products, or even insect bites and stings. Anything they can breathe in, eat or touch can trigger an allergic reaction. Since our cats are naturally curious creatures, it’s good to know the signs of an allergic reaction and how to treat it.

The human body’s reactions to an allergy aren’t very far off from how our cat’s bodies will react to allergens. Most allergy symptoms for cats can develop on the skin in the form of rashes or irritation, in their airways through sneezing or coughing, or even in their digestive system — if you notice your cat vomiting or having irregular bowel movements, it can be a symptom of an allergic reaction. But always be aware of any type of abnormal behavior in your cat — excessive licking in one area or signs of irritation might be a sign that your cat is having an allergic reaction.

We all know how to handle our own allergies, but pause and give your veterinarian a call for proper use and dosage before you try and give your cat antihistamines or topical treatments. If you notice your cat having a reaction to dust or any other respiratory ailment, try out our R&R Respiratory Relief Litter. With low dust and hypoallergenic properties, it can give relief to cats prone to allergies when they go to use the litter box. Using a low-dust, scent-free litter is essential to managing your cat’s allergies if they suffer from upper respiratory issues. 

Learn more about your cat’s health and wellness over on our Instagram page!